Parish Documents

All PCC Meeting summary notes

2024 APCM Reports

Agenda APCM 2024 The Bourne Parish

Annual Report 2023 (draft)

Minutes of Parish Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2023

2023 APCM Reports

Agenda APCM 2023 The Bourne Parish

Annual Report 2022

Minutes of Parish Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting May 2022

Vicar's address to APCM 2023 - What a year was 2022

Previous Years' Reports

2022 Financial Presentation of the budget.

Financial Presentation for 2021 shows budget and comparisons with 2019 actual situation

The Parish Report and Accounts to end 2021

Minutes of APCM 23rd May 2021

The Parish Report and Accounts to end 2020

Minutes of APCM 25th October 2020

The Parish Report and Accounts to end 2019 contains an update on all of the Parish Activities and financial situation

The Parish Report 2018 contains an annual update on all of the Parish Activities and financial situation to end of 2018.

The Parish Report 2017 contains an annual update on all of the Parish activities and financial situation to end of 2017.

The Parish Report 2016 contains an annual update on all of the Parish activities and financial situation.









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