Worship at home

Here are some suggestions to help you worship from home

Readings and Prayers for the week

13th October  20th Sunday after Trinity

Readings and collect: 
You might like to use these over this coming week. Weekly sheets with collects and readings available here  Just click on the date you want.

Intercessions: Take a moment to think what you need to bring before God.  Keep a space to think of what you need, what you want for those you love and for the wider world.

Click here for topical prayers for this time  that you may like to use and please pray for those we know who are in need: 

Unwell or StrugglingPaul Clifford, Richard Oswald, Shirley Parker, Helen and Joanne, Gill & Jeff, Colin Brown, Geraldine Molony, Chris Winfield, Angel Bridi, Michael Smith and all those who care for them.
Rest in Peace:  Robert White and anyone you know; and for those who love and miss them.  We remember before God all those whose anniversary happens at this time.


                                                                   Join Zoom Community Morning Prayer                         
                                                                              at 9.15am on Tues or
                                                                     at 8.30 on Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri.
      Watch Recordings from Home,                     email the Vicar for a link                 Read a  recent sermon







Other Resources

       Explore other suggestions for worship from home
       from The Church of England, the BBC and others


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