Safeguarding Policy

The Bourne Parish Safeguarding Responsibilities

The PCC of The Bourne Parish is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of the vulnerable within our church community, and also to encouraging an environment where all people and especially those who may be vulnerable are able to worship and pursue their faith journey in a safe way. 

Parish Safeguarding Arrangements  

Every year the PCC will review and adopt the Church of England Safeguarding Policies, displaying a copy of the signed statement in a prominent position in the church.

To read the full Safeguarding Arrangements please click here...

Please click here for Church of England Parish Safeguarding Handbook.

Please click here for latest Safeguarding guidance from Church of England; Promoting a Safer Church (updated January 2023)

We are also committed to the implementation of the Diocese of Guildford Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
Diocesan Statement on Safeguarding July 2021

For a list of organisations which can help with Domestic Abuse, please click here

Parish Safeguarding Representatives

The PCC will appoint a minimum of one Parish Safeguarding Representative.

The Safeguarding Representative is: Peter Neukom   07790 492343


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