Wonderful first Lent Lunchtime concert
Our series of Lent concerts and Lent lunches launched with a stellar reggae performance by Farnham's coolest mayor. Brodie Mauluka entertained his listeners with a varied mix of modern songs played on the guitar which had the audience foot tapping and singing along. A superb concert to launch the 2025 series of concerts supporting the work of Christian Aid. Our grateful thanks to our Mayor, Brodie.
Tilford's Parish Magazine
The March edition is ready. Click here for the flipbook version
Special Treat for Choral Evensong
Choral Evensong at 6.00pm in St Thomas' on Sunday 9th February was a real treat, as our St Thomas' choir invited the boys, girls and the back row of the choir of Holy Trinity Church, Guildford to join forces with them. Like St Thomas' Holy Trinity Guildford maintains separate boys' and girls' choirs of trebles, who sing alternately with the altos, tenors and basses, as well as groups of teenage singers and adult choirs.
Around 120 robed singers crammed into the choir stalls and surrounding areas, including 75 under-18s, for many of whom it was their first experience of singing with such numbers. The music made for a wonderful service.
A Fun Burns Night January 2025
It was wonderful to see so many people having fun reeling in the church for Burns Night. Vanessa and Max and all their team did a wonderful job in organising it all and the event raised £ ?? Click here for more photos of the evening
Vox triumph is celebrated in the Farnham Herald
Vox Farnham Chamber Choir, was delighted to be one of five finalists in the Classicfm competition organised by Making Music.
Their recording of the carol 'O Holy Night' featuring Young Chorister of the Year finalist Freddie Simpson, was played on nationwide radio on the Margherita Taylor show on Friday 20th December.
Click here to watch the introduction to the item. Click here to watch the recording (make sure your sound is on!)
The news has been picked up by the Farnham Herald this week - click here to read the article
Record attendance at 9 Lessons & Carols and first performance of a new carol !
500 people packed into St Thomas's for the candlelit Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols with standing room only at the back of the church and around the main door to the Lantern. We were delighted to have the wonderful fanfares and harmonies of the Brass Quintet to enhance the beautiful singing from the full St Thomas's choir.
The service included the first performance of a new carol composed by Dr Matthew Rogers, one of the choirmen, with words by Bishop Chris Herbert, former vicar of The Bourne, ex-choir parent, and current choir grandparent.
'The Carol of the Angels' is imagined as being sung by the angels as they watch over the Nativity of Baby Jesus. The words are intended to recall the directness and simplicity of mediaeval Christmas lyrics with their repeated refrains. Matthew writes of the music ‘I have tried to create something which is contemporary but approachable, and which lets the words take centre-stage.’ He has also composed a setting of Cardinal Newman’s prayer 'May the Lord support us all the day long, Till the shades lengthen and the evening comes,' which continues to grow in popularity and has now been sung at Portsmouth and Canterbury Cathedrals, as well as Magdalen College Oxford.
A video of Matthew’s setting of the hymn Breathe on me, Breath of God, sung by St Thomas’ Choir, can be enjoyed on YouTube here and scores are available from matthewjohnrogersmusic@gmail.com
Rev David Adams retires after 50 years !
The Bourne Parish thanked David for his many years of devoted service with a moving address by Rev Andrew Tuck, heartfelt prayers from Rev Sandy Clarke, and fizz and cake after the service. David writes:
Dear Friends,
Thank you everyone who was present on Sunday at my retirement event; the Eucharist and the celebration that followed were joyous experiences that I shall never forget. Thank you too for your prayers, your cards, kind words, shared reminiscences and generous gifts: I treasure all of them.
It has been a huge privilege to have ministered among you for fifty years. I have received infinitely more than I have given.
Love David
For more photos of this event, please click here
The Christmas Market has happened. Well done team!
On Saturday 30th November the curtain rose again on the much-loved Christmas Market at St Thomas’. It had been moth-balled since 2019 when Covid hit us all. Now, 5 years on, after much demand, the Christmas Market made a comeback to raise much needed funds for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care and the Stained glass window repair fund at St Thomas’ church. The event was a happy occasion and a resounding success, raising a wonderful sum of over £11,000 for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care and the stained glass window repair fund at St Thomas. The Market was opened at 10am by our local MP Greg Stafford and was in full swing until 2pm when it ended after the raffle had been called by Sandy, the Parish vicar. A good time was had by all. Thank you to the team who worked hard, prepared for and ran stalls, moved furniture, looked after the car parking, served food and countless other jobs; it was a big effort. Thank you to all who donated or made items and thank you to all who came to support the event.
Our thanks also go to the many local businesses who have provided offers for the Auction; Lalys Chemist, The Fox Pub, Andre Noir, Blue Tiger Boutique, Squires, New Dawn Inns, The Binsted Inn, The Bourne Club, The Spotted Cow, Susanne Saville, and many more.. Farnham Mayor dropped in to say hello. It was a fun and rewarding day out.
Hope you enjoyed yourselves and if you would like to give any feedback on the occasion, we would love to hear from you. Please email mo@thebourne.org.uk
A packed church for a joyous confirmation service
Sunday morning at St Thomas’ was joyful occasion in a packed church. Eleven young people aged 19 to 11 were prepared to affirm their faith publicly, so many congratulations to; Dexter; Jack; Seth; Max; Flora; Marie; Lucas; Toby; Lucas; Edward and Hannah. The brothers, Dexter and Lucas, were also baptised before confirmation and Claire Levens, who is a full member of a different tradition, was officially received into the Church of England.
It was a very special service for Bishop Chris, not only because his youngest granddaughter was one of the confirmands, but he had also baptised parents of at least two of the candidates many years ago. The choir provided joyful music, then cake and bubbly for the whole congregation in the Centenary Rooms led into a picnic lunch for the candidates and their families provided by members of the Sellars and Herbert families.
Collection for Refugees
Update from the Other People Group
Clothing Donations for Refugee Support Europe have been delivered!
After our parish-sponsored clothing drive on Sat 16 November, Betty Hyland and Janet Windeatt had the privilege of taking a car full of new and pre-loved warm winter clothing to the Refugee Support Europe (RSE) Dignity Centre in Bournemouth. The Dignity Centre was very busy when they arrived, and within minutes clothing we delivered was already being made available. Sincere thanks to all who contributed. Be assured that your contributions are helping others to stay warm this winter. RSE are participating in the "Double Your Donation with the Big Give" campaign starting on 3 Dec. For more info: https://www.refugeesupporteu.
The Other People Group is now turning it's attention to the subject of Homelessness. We are currently seeking to learn more about the issues and then will be working on how we might respond. If you'd like to get involved, please join us! A warm welcome awaits!