Our Team


Revd Sandy Clarke

Sandy has, by popular choice been installed as our Vicar, having been our curate from 2018 to 2022 . A native of Chicago Illinois, Sandy came to us via Haslemere Parish where she served as the Senior Families Minister at St Bartholomew’s and St Christopher’s Churches for the last 14 years. Prior to this she lectured on computing, statistics and business for 15 years at Leyton Sixth Form and then Guildford College.  Sandy felt called to ordained ministry serveral years ago. After two years of discernment she trained at St Mellitus and was ordained deacon at Guildford Cathedral.  Sandy has a daughter Alex, currently at Leeds University and a son Adam.
Email:   vicar@thebourne.org.uk

Revd Ben Cahill-Nicholls

Ben moved to Tilford with his wife, Ellie, their son Hector (3), and daughter Flora (1) just days before his installation at All Saints Church as Priest in Residence on 6 June 2024.  For the past three years, he has served at Holy Trinity with St Mary Guildford, following his training for the priesthood at St Augustine’s College and his ordination in 2021. Ben will serve in Tilford alongside his ministry as Chief Executive of Clergy Support Trust, the largest charity helping Anglican ministers with their financial, mental and physical wellbeing.  Last year, the Trust supported 22% of all clergy in the Church of England, and scores of others in Wales, Scotland and Ireland, spending £6.2m on grants and services. Before ordination, Ben held various roles in the education sector, including as a policy adviser in the House of Commons, as communications manager for an East End college, and more recently as Director of Community and Partnerships at Charterhouse School, where he also taught music and PSHE.  He has been a governor of two Church primary schools, a trustee of two arts charities, and is a Fellow of the Westminster Abbey Institute.  Ben and Ellie – who is a theatrical agent – share a passion for musicals reflected in the names of the family cats, Rodgers and Hammerstein.

Rt. Reverend Christopher Herbert, Retired Bishop

Bishop Christopher's early years in ministry were in the Diocese of Hereford, and then in 1981 he became Vicar of The Bourne and Director of Post-ordination Training in Guildford Diocese. Appointments as Archdeacon of Dorking and Bishop of St. Albans followed. He was also National Chairman of the Council of Christians and Jews and the Church of England's lead spokesman on health matters. He served on a select committee on medical and ethical matters as a member of the House of Lords. In retirement, having moved back to Farnham, he is Visiting Professor in Christian Ethics at the Surrey University and a non-executive director of the Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability in Putney, as well as lecturing in Art History, the subject of his doctorate

David Adams

Reverend David Adams, Retired Priest

David was ordained in the diocese of Connor, N Ireland in 1962 and has been part of the team since the early seventies. He is a widower with two adult offsprings and two granddaughters. He was a Headteacher for twenty-four years before being invited by Surrey County Council to undertake consultancy work in secondary schools, later specialising more widely in schools in challenging circumstances. He was a chaplain to the Queen for fourteen years and retired in 2017 from the position of Bishop’s Assessor in the diocese of Guildford.

Email: j.david_adams@ntlworld.com

Reverend Andrew Tuck, Retired Priest

Andrew grew up in Ash and after school in Farnham began training as an agricultural student before discovering that he might have a calling to ordained ministry. He was ordained in St Paul’s London in 1968.  He spent his early ministry in Poplar, East London, followed by 14 years in Coventry and more recently the parish of  St Andrew’s Farnham.  He is a keen gardener, has an allotment and enjoys tennis.  Since retiring as Rector of Farnham he has led the diocesan team for the co-ordination and development of spiritual direction. Andrew is a membes of the Third Order of the Society of St Francis.  They have three grown up children and two grandchildren

Revd Rachel Sturt

Rachel was born into a Christian family in Aldershot as the daughter of a businessman and a teacher. Her father was a church warden at Holy Trinity and she later married Tim, the son of the organist. She trained as a nurse at St. Thomas’ Hospital. After qualification children intervened and she took a break from nursing; Tim and Rachel are parents to three grown-up sons. The family became members at St. John, Churt, where Tim was appointed organist. It was here that Rachel heard the call to train as a Pastoral Assistant, and subsequently to ordination. She trained at STETS and was ordained in 2011. By this time she had returned to nursing at Farnham Hospital and later as a Practice Nurse in the town. More recently she has assisted with Covid-19 vaccinations. She served her curacy at Wrecclesham and Hindhead and was a volunteer hospice chaplain. She was appointed Associate Priest at St. Lawrence, Alton. At the same time she took the role of Anna Chaplain for the Alton area. Recently she has been considering where God is now calling her.


Children & Youth Minister

Following the resignation of our previous Youth Minister, our lay minister Frances Garland (see below) has taken over responsibility for Junior Church

Email Frances: youth@thebourne.org.uk

Jordan Theis,
Director of Music



Brian White,
Lay Leader, St Martins

Brian and Helen with their two children, Philip and Charlotte, moved to Farnham in 1985, and Brian and Helen moved to Lower Bourne in 2001 and became members of the congregation at St Martin’s.  Brian continued to work on a part-time basis as a trainer in management systems which helped him develop his skills as a preacher.  Brian felt a calling to serve the church by leading worship and took two training courses within the Diocese of Guildford, one as an Occasional Worship Leader, the other as an Occasional Preacher.  His role at St Martin’s has developed over the years and he is now involved in many issues associated with the running of St Martin’s.  He also serves on The Building and Grounds Working Group, is designated as a Deputy Churchwarden together with Janet Stephen.  He has recently been appointed as ‘Lay Leader’ by the PCC in recognition of his role at St Martin’s.

Frances Garland, Licensed Lay Minister

Email: frances2412@gmail.com

Jane Quicke,
Licensed Lay Minister

 Email: jmsa.quicke@btinternet.com



Viv Picken,
Licensed Lay Minister

Luke Price,
Deputy Church Warden


Our Pastoral Assistants, listed below, assist the clergy in supporting the congregation and the wider community.  The role of Pastoral Assistant is a rather varied one, but everything they do involves people and supporting them at various stages throughout life.  This includes hospital and home visits to the sick, giving home communion, visiting the elderly, visiting families preparing for baptism, assisting with baptism services, marriage preparation and assisting clergy with bereavement support. 

Our Pastoral Assistants also work with other churches in Farnham, particularly in supporting the Friends Together initiative which provides befriending for the bereaved.

Yvonne Bryant, Pastoral Assistant


Email: yvonnebryant@gmail.com

Janet Stephen, Pastoral Assistant


Email: janetstephenbcs@gmail.com

Hilary Newman, Churchwarden

Welcome to Hilary Newman who has volunteered to serve as Church Warden taking over from Peter Neukom. Hilary has been a member of the St Thomas' 10am congregation although she can be found at Brambleton on occasion. Married to Keith, they have four children and now seven gorgeous grandchildren who live locally. A retired primary teacher, Hilary loved her job and brought the necessary communications skills needed for effective display and visual comms to her most recent role as Chair of our Communications Working Group. Hilary brings a range of gifts to this post including the gift of hospitality which will be essential in the upcoming months. Thank you Hilary for stepping up!

Email: churchwarden_hilary@thebourne.org.uk 

Peter Neukom, Safeguarding Officer

07790 492343

Email: safeguarding@thebourne.org.uk



Caz Cullum, Parish Administrator

Caz has been the Parish Administrator since 2005 and has lived in the Bourne most of her life. Caz enjoys the variety of work involved and also meeting the parishioners and those who are just visiting the Churches. Caz lives with her son, a member of the Gentlemen’s Choir.

Email: theparishoffice@thebourne.org.uk

Tel: 01252 715505

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