The Bourne Parish has a long tradition of musical excellence dating back over 150 years and the choirs regularly sing at many services at St Thomas'.
Click here for the Music List for March.
The choirs sing repertoire which is often of cathedral standard. Click here to download a list of the music in the choir's current and recent repertoire.
We are fortunate to have one of the best parish church choirs in the diocese, if not the country, and we offer wonderful opportunities to sing for everyone, Gentlemen, Ladies, Boys and Girls. Many of our young people have gone on to study music further, winning scholarships at leading universities and schools.
Ever considered joining a choir? Watch a video to see what its all about and have a look at the other web pages in this music section.
Browse the photo galleries to see what fun the choir has
Choir tour to Paris Choir tour to Belgium Choir tour to Wales Life in the Choir
Click here to hear the choir sing
“Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” (Psalm 95:1)
Jordan Theis (Director of Music)
Prayer for Music
Heavenly Father,
We give thanks for the gift of music to support and sustain us
in our worship and our lives.
Bless all who craft and create music and those whom it unites in fellowship.
May music inspire, instruct and help us as we seek to praise you in all that we say and do. Amen