Electoral Roll

What is the electoral roll?

It’s a list of names and addresses of parish members who attend one of our 3 centres of worship.

Who can apply?

Any member of the Church of England over the age of sixteen – or who will have their sixteenth birthday during the next 12 months - can apply, subject to a few conditions which are laid out in the application form.

Why should I apply?

It’s good that church members show their commitment to the parish by joining the roll.  Membership of the electoral roll gives you the right to attend and vote at the parish’s annual meeting. In addition, all members of the PCC (parochial church council – the parish’s leadership team) must be registered on the electoral roll.

How can I get the application form?

You can download it here Electoral Roll Application form   Please print it off and fill it in with your signature.  Completed signed forms should be returned to the parish office or scanned and emailed to the electoral roll officer , Nigel Cuthbert, at nigel@thebourne.org.uk

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