Giving our time and talents

Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Isaiah 6:8

Each of us has unique skills and talents and our Parish relies on volunteers carrying out all sorts of tasks to support and enrich our Parish and community. There are many areas where help is occasionally or regularly needed. Here are just a few ideas, could you do any of these tasks? Could you help in any way? Training will be provided where needed.

  • New fundraising and revenue generating initiatives. More information please click here.
  • Children & Youth opportunities to support our youth work
  • Supporting the communication of the parish through writing the newsletter
  • Website support
  • Managing the kitchen
  • Junior church leader or helper
  • Sides persons
  • Church cleaning
  • Comms-social media
  • Car park assistant for major events
  • Reading to ‘Babes and Tots’
  • Delivering Parish cards at Easter and Christmas
  • Helping in church services such as reading, prayers, serving
  • Flower arranging
  • Opening and closing our churches
  • Being part of one of our working groups
  • Systems help - support with PC's, microsoft 365, church suite
  • Live streaming and sound on Sunday am
  • Office support
  • Gardening
  • Organising and mending the choir robes
  • Help organise new social and fundraising initiatives
  • Making coffee or catering - weekdays, Sundays, or at events

Our Volunteer Co-ordinator is Hilary Newman, to whom all offers of Time and Talents will be directed. Volunteer Form

We understand that your time may be limited, or that you may not wish to have a regular commitment. We aim to organise volunteering in a happy and sustainable way so that responsibilities are shared.

It is well known that volunteers say they feel happier, have reduced stress levels, and have been able to meet more people and have fun through the time they have been able to give to positive and constructive volunteering. Please do consider and pray about how you can help and serve your parish.

God of mercy,

unite your Church in the Holy Spirit
that we may serve you with all our hearts
and work together with unselfish love.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.









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